口语·Express pros and cons 谈论事物正反面


主角威尔史密斯曾经在他的channel放过一期视频,探讨成名的好坏,以及给其带来的各种正面和负面的效应。 他分享了自己从无名小角到大咖的“传奇”经历,坦言还是“love being famous”.


But then there is definitely the other side. I get sued probably 15 times a year. I have lawyers on a monthly retainer just because you get sued so much when you are famous. …


I wouldn’t trade this life for anything. I love being me.

当我们谈论一件事的优缺点的时候,需要插入一转折句,我们就可以借鉴Will说的这句 But then there is definitely the other side.

每个硬币都有两面, 好的一面是什么,坏的一面是什么。 我们可以用这一句话来引入对立面,从多个视角看问题。