真香警告,学外语你该入手一块数位板 Why you need a writing/drawing Tablet for your language study


    It is likely that beginners will encounter a roadblock while learning Japanese, Korean, or Chinese, that is, numerous new words and phrases. You may find that either using the soft keyboard on the computer is very labor-intensive, or you do not know how to type in pinyin… In this case, a tablet would be helpful.


    Handwriting input is supported by most translation software, so now you can get the meaning you want instantly with a silky stylus and large writing area. I’m using Google Translate to show the effect of Korean input.


⇑Google Translate’s recognition is still pretty good (don’t worry about the ugly handwriting)


⇑Result (Common expressions translate without any problems)



    ⇑Chinese writing and translation is also pretty reliable


    I believe that with his help, there will be less frustration in the early stages of the learning process. In addition, you can also use it as a mouse. Whenever you are tired of clicking and clacking, you will only have to press the tip of the pen onto the board to do all the job of mouse.

    数位板已经问市多年,做得已经非常成熟了,入门款的基本就能满足日常书写及绘画需要。我本人是用的是经典入门款One by Wacom,相应速度非常快,性价比很高。当然如果你追求更多功能,更高的压感级别,你也可以对比下不同型号进行选择。

    The digital board has been on the market for many years, and it has been very mature. The entry-level model can basically meet the needs of daily writing and drawing. I personally use the classic entry-level model One by Wacom, which responds very quickly and is very economical. For more features and higher pressure sensitivity, you can also compare different models of this brand on their website.


    Please pay attention to this article for more information about how the tablet can improve learning efficiency.